Friday, April 11, 2008

February 20th is Our Birthday

Arlene has been a dear friend for many years. She was a true servant leader and touched the hearts of many, always putting them before her. During her long struggle with cancer, Arlene would regularly minister to the other patients she met at the hospital and request prayer for them.

As Arlene lay comatose and labored for breath during her last evening on earth, I gave her husband Barry the card I had brought for Arlene. It dedicated the book I am writing to Arlene with a prayer that it will honor her. Arlene passed away the next afternoon. That really sank in as I drove north on US-23 past the Michigan Church of God State Executive Offices on my way to Flint Michigan where I attend graduate school: "It's my birthday... Man, she passed away on my Birthday."  

My eyes were attracted to a faint glow in the sky as I walked across the parking lot to my car after school on that crisp and clear evening. The glow I saw was a total lunar eclipse. It was a very spiritual day. And it was my Birthday. Now it's Arlene's Birthday too!